Selasa, 26 November 2013

Let’s Get Digital: SLR Photography Basics

Nowadays, according to psychologists, more and more people are getting visually inclined. In other words, most of us love to use our eyes!

In what ways do we use our eyes for?

We use our eyes to view things in our environment. However, through time, man has devised ways on how to preserve the things we see, whether these are beautiful or not, and one of which is by way of using cameras.

These days, the biggest sellers in the camera market are the so-called digital SLR cameras.

Just what is an SLR camera?

SLR is an acronym for Single Lens Reflex. SLR cameras were the tools made for and used by professional photographers. Cameras such as these, similarly, make use of mirror that reflects light entering the lens up into the eye piece or the viewfinder. Thus, a photographer can gauge how the image or picture will look like. Moreover, a SLR camera uses lenses that are interchangeable. Hence, this camera can be used for long distance telephoto photography or close-up macro photography.

A digital SLR or DSLR camera is dependent on lenses and mirror and their optical capabilities. However a DSLR camera uses light sensor chips and digital memory cards instead of films, basically a computerized version of the abovementioned camera.

The following summarizes the comparison between DSLR and point and shoot cameras (SLRs):

1.    DSLRs and SLRs use interchangeable lenses for better resolution.
2.    Any picture you take using SLRs and DSLRs is usually crisper, cleaner and fine upon reproduction.
3.    DSLRs have a higher speed when it comes to focusing and taking pictures
4.    DSLRs perform better at low lighting conditions by using ISO speeds. These cameras have lesser granularity.
5.    DSLRS provide more professional power over depth of field, light, and responsiveness.
6.    DSLRs provide a more immediate feedback as they use digital chips or light sensing CCDs that translate incoming light rays into digital pictures.
7.    DSLRs and SLRs cost more than point and shoot cameras.
8.    DSLRs and SLRs are usually heavier than some point and shoot models.

Some sample DSLR models are listed below:

Prosumer models:

•    Canon EOS 10D
•    Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT
•    Nikon D50
•    Nikon D70s
•    Pentax *ist DS

Professional Models:

•    Canon EOS 1D Mark II
•    Canon EOS 20D
•    Fuji Finepix S3 Pro
•    Nikon D2x

Who actually wants DSLRs? Anyone wants to have crisper and clearer pictures—be it a hobbyist or a professional photographer can opt for a DSLR model. Anyone who will not bother carrying bigger cameras on trips in order to bring back topnotch photos can make use of DSLRs.

Like all electronic and computerized gadgets, digital models tend to get cheaper yet better over time. For sure, DSLRs will eventually migrate down to consumer cameras: ability to take bursts of 10 frames in a few seconds, quick response time, higher resolution image sensors, and accurate auto-focus, among others.

The only thing that will remain constant are the laws of optics—you will not get the same results from a finger-nail sized lens as with larger lenses used by professional users. Also the fact that people do not have enough money all the time remains the same through time.

If you plan to take photography as a profession, practice shooting some shots using prosumers models and consider budget and quality of lenses before you say, “Big Cheese”! 

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